Monday, April 11, 2011

Telecommuting, should be interesting

I've been approved to telecommute one day a week.  I've picked Wednesday's.  It is all because we are out a sitter for two days a week.  My mom has decided she will do four days a week if I could just find a sitter for one day a week. 

It would be great if I could find someone to come to the house on Friday's...but that's not going to happen.  At least with this new situation we aren't spending money we don't have on child care..which will lead to less doctor's appointments.  At least when they go to school they have to have all of their vaccinations.  So, we've got that going for us.

I am curious to see how the telecommuting goes.  I have to bring my laptop to work and IT will set it all up for me...and then voila..I should be good to go.  I'm hoping that it gets done tomorrow and that I can stay in on Wednesday.  The rest of the week I will have to drive out to Katy...not at all looking forward to that commute but what the heck, it's free child care, right?

Ever notice how my paragraphs don't always go..?  I just sort of flow in and out like I'm talking.  I should probably get that straightened out if I want to write my book.  It's not on motherhood or even pregnancy.  It's a semi autobiography on my high school years.  Parts will be severely embellished and other parts will be slimmed down.  We'll see how it goes.  I've pitched the idea to a few people with some snip its...and they loved it.  AND .. yes, I've pitched it to people who would actually tell me the truth if it was crap.  I have a second book on the brain..entitled "The life and times of a liar" it is loosely based on a person that used to be in my life..and works really well as a fictional character.  The title is a working title..but I have so many things to write around...It has to contain liar...or compulsive...something.  I've got a few things a notebook jotted down.  I just need to sit down and write at night instead of going to bed at 9:45 or 10...just so worn out.

I know a lot of people say they have a novel in their head...why not put it on paper, send it around and see what happens?  You never know unless you try!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Got through a very tricky morning!!! 

I will not go into details because I do not want to relive it but suffice it to say I am more than glad it is now the afternoon!!  Thank goodness for "Answered Prayers"!

Looking forward to this weekend.  Probably going to the Children's Festival.  Should be fun.  My daughter is just old enough to enjoy some of the festivities.  She loves to be outside.  There will be a ton going on.  Character's walking by and booths to visit...face painting (I wish she would sit still for it..but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen!) and games.  I can't wait to see her face when she sees all the big characters walking around.

Last week she ran up the the Easter bunny with such gusto that I just know she isn't going to have any issues with the larger than life cartoon characters.  She loves those Backyardigans.  We don't let her watch TV but on a rare occasion (wink wink) she will get to see a few shows and shows a lot of interest when they are dancing and singing.  She even dances along! 

I am hoping for a date night with my husband Friday night.  It would be good for us to get away and do that.  We usually include the baby in our date nights because she's is a part of our life!  Maybe I'll work on a sitter and surprise my man..hmmm must put more thought into this. 

If we go to dinner I don't want it to be super trendy or in and around where all of the hustle and bustle is.  I'd really like for it to be quiet and semi quaint.  Not so quaint that the service is terrible....that happens sometimes with the smaller joints.  Hmmm I guess I need to put more thought into that as well!!! 

Well, my faithful reader (Jody, I love you!) I hope you have a marvelous weekend.  And to anyone else out there who happens to pop in.  Have a beautiful day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mother's Day is coming....

I know it's semi cheesy to post info about my second job - Scentsy on here..but what the's worth a shot. 

Here's a flyer for Mother's Day. Contact me for specials and to get in on the drawing for a goodie bag containing a Scensty Plug in and other goodies!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AARRGH!'s a four letter word

OH my goodness!  Today could not be worse...well, I'm sure it could..but it's pretty bad at work!  I just want to scream and throw my monitors at someone.  Ever had a day like that? 

Usually I can contain my irritation with the stuff that goes on..but can do.  I am about to go on a walk!!! 

Countdown time...

Well...I feel a tad better. LOL

Just need to put a picture of my precious family in my head and all will be well..I work to make sure my family has what we need....must learn to love my job..must learn to love my job..
I will just repeat that to myself all day.  It will probably help.

Hope everyone out there is having a much better day then I am!

Take care :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

This weekend was so busy!!!

Let's just say if you have ever been involved in a Catholic's very long, very drawn out...was busy with it from Friday evening until Saturday after 11am.  Phew.  My poor God Daughter...all she wanted was for it to be completed...and it just went on and on and on.  She is a good girl.  Love that kid. 

With that out of the way the rest of Saturday seemed to fly on by....and then there was Sunday. 

Got up..took care of the kiddo and then went to the grocery store.  I think I spent way too much.  But have groceries for the month for a tad over $200.  Most of it being organic.  I was so excited to see more items at my local grocery store available in organic.  We've been trying for quite some time to go completely organic...even with our cleaning supplies.  We're almost there.  Just a few things to run out of and then we'll be an organic the food and cleaing product sense.  Our child has been fed almost all organic since she started eating real food.  She is the reason we want to be healthier.  It's a pretty good reason if I do say so myself!!!

After that painful-to-the-purse grocery trip, got home and took care of putting everything away and feeding Vi her lunch...we played and tried to take an afternoon went all kinds of wrong!!!  We laid down (I was tired too!) at 4:30...lots of crying and fit throwing..I gave up.  We let her play at bit and then at 5 layed down again.  YAY...napped until 6:20 when I woke her up to eat dinner.  She ate..then bath time and then...without much fuss she took her night bottle and layed quietly.  She didn't go to sleep though (probably because of such a late nap!! ha ha) so putting her in her bed and closing the door by 8:30...she finally fell asleep by 9!  Hate to stick her in there by herself now because at 15 months the tiny thing that she is has learned how to climb out of her crib!!!  So we like to make sure she is good and tired or asleep before putting her in there.  She is in that in between stage...too big for her crib but too small for a toddler bed.  We may have to get the toddler bed soon anyway....for peace of mind! 

It's Monday and I'm excited to meet my pregnant friend Andrea for lunch.  I can't wait to catch up with her.  The last time I saw her was at her wedding last year!!! 

Happy Monday

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Orange and Pink?

So I changed the background...semi nifty....hmmm

Still messing with it...well, no..technically..I'm working. 

So glad it's Thursday!!!

I am so ready for Thursday...not because anything special is happening..just that, well it's closer to the weekend!! YAY!!!

I'm thinking of changing the look of this blog.  It's pretty boring!  I was kind of surfing other blogs and noticed everyone has the great headlines and photos at the top.  How do you do that??? 

I want my blog to be pretty!!  OK, maybe not pretty..but neater?  ha ha.  I'm kind of off my rocker I think.

Anyway...anyone out

OH and I swear my daughter is the best medicine.  When you are having a rough day and you need a little bit of laughter (because for some reason it's just not happening!) just sit down and appreciate your children.  Last night, taking a breather just before getting her ready for bed, she took my hand and marched me over to her bows and started trying to put them in her hair!  So funny.  I started by putting one bow in..then she handed me another and another, until they were all in her hair!!  She smiled and was so proud!  She just loved looking at her little reflection in the mirror. 


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sooo tired....

Had a so much going on yesterday when I got home.  Didn't get to take Vi on her bike ride.  Poor girl. 

I won't go into all the details of how the night I usually do..but DANG! ha ha BUSY!

Got the baby in bed by 9ish.  I was so tired I went upstairs to bed shortly after.  At around Midnight Vi woke up..really upset..crying and seemed a bit scared.  Nathan (my hubby) tried to calm her down but she just didn't want to go back to sleep.  I layed on the couch with her and she started to calm down..but about 30 minutes after she was quiet....she started whimpering again.  I looked at her and realized her eyes were closed.  She was having bad dreams.  Poor baby!!  How can they have bad dreams at 15 months old?  Just broke my heart.  I consoled her with a soft voice and gentle rocking...seemed to work..but she started up again around 1:30ish.  Finally by 3:30 she was asleep for around an hour or so.  Tucked her back into bed and went upstairs. 

Today she goes in for her 15 month Dr. appointment.  Hubby is there with her right now.  We take turns taking her in so that neither of us have to take too much time off of work.  I think she has to get shots today.  She is usually a super trooper when it comes to getting I'm not too worried about it. 

She's trying to open and close her cup...she looks so tiny in this picture...and she so tall!! 

Monday, March 28, 2011

This weekend was crazy!!!!!

Zero time to was INSANE!

Friday was slow enough..but Saturday was crazy. 

Woke up, took care of baby...passed her off to hubby to get ready for a bridal shower.  Left house, played chauffer to two family members, drove an hour to the shower..stayed for 2 hours, drove an hour back, got home, hubby passed the baby to me...took her on a bike ride, played, made dinner, hubby got back from golf, fed baby ready for bed...and got her to sleep...all in time to go to bed at 9:30 on a Saturday night! ha ha

Sunday, woke up early, got baby taken care of..passed her off to hubby and went to Student/Sponsor meeting with my God Daughter...couple of hours in and we had most of the information we needed for next weekend...took her to lunch, got home, fed hubby leftovers from lunch (fajitas...YUM) then played with baby, he went to play golf, took baby for a walk or a bike ride rather..on her "GEE-GA-CA" which is how she says bicycle...then, got home, she played a bit more, hubby came home with pizza and wine...just in darling daughter did not want to sleep!!!  Finally she was asleep around 10:30...and we finally got to bed around 11.

Somehow in between all of that on both days I managed to keep the downstairs some what clean and put away Violet's laundry.  The only "person" in our family that got a bit negleted was the cat. P.  Poor thing.  Ended up locked in the upstairs bathroom on Friday for a good 3 hours..and no one noticed!  How awful is that!!?? 

It was a good weekend though.  I can't complain....I didn't have to be at work! ha ha

Now it's Monday and here I am at work....

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

She's growing up too fast..

My Violet...

She was very interested in a flower...but I couldn't help snapping a picture of her profile. 

My sweet baby. 

So happy for my friends!

I'm pretty bad at this blogging thing.  I forget to write in it.  No one is reading it anyway! ha ha

I just have to shout out that I am so happy for Ben and Lauren!!!  They have received a beautiful gift from God.  Eden!!!  Such a beautiful little girl.  They have adopted her and will get to bring her home soon. 

Congratulations to two of the most beautiful human beings I know. I am so happy for you!!!

God is so good. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I've been slightly busy...

Wow...I really have been out of touch with my little online journal!

Sad thing is...nothing much to report! 

Homelife is great...wish I was at home more often! well, work!  I have a new office mate.  We shall see how it goes.  I lucked out with my first one and we are just the best of friends.  I'm not sure how this one will go.  She's very often sick and always has a nagging cough.  I am not sure I can handle it or how to even approach it if I get upset.  I'll have to really learn to be patient in here....ha ha that's a good one...isn't it? 

I'll catch up more later...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

it's been a while

It's been a long time....sorry.

I don't think anyone is out there reading this anyway.  LOL

So, basically...I'm worn out.  Kiddo is sick for the first, sick, sick...Fever started yesterday at around 6:30 PM and has been hanging sad...she's just this little lump.  Her fever hasn't gotten higher than 101 but still....hope her little body can fight whatever it is attacking her. 

I would so much rather be sick.  I can't take it when something happens to her.  I mean I'm not all psycho and out of control about it..but still I would trade places with her in a heart beat.  Bless her heart.

Nothing much has really happened...but that's my boring little life! 

I did go to a Scentsy convention on 2/15/2011 with 2 other friends.  It was fun for the most part...but the speakers were so boring!  Oh man!!! 

If anyone is out there reading this...and you want to know about website is:

Take care out there...who ever you are....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What a day!

Things have been absolutely insane lately.  Getting pulled in 6 different directions!!

I'll just post the good stuff.  My little girl has her 9th tooth! Top left molar. I'll be so glad when she has them all...I can't keep her shirts dry with all the drool!  I think the other three molars are not far behind.  It's just amazing how fast it is all going. 

Husband is so sweet lately.  Just loving all the extra things he's helping with around the house without being asked and how attentive he is with his daughter.  I've never seen a better daddy!!!  Our relationship is in such a good place...not that it was ever out of place...but even though we have so much going on there is just a wonderful balance between the two of us.  I don't know what it is..but I like it!  It can just keep on keeping on for all I care!!!  ha ha

Good stuff about I actually have a job!!!  Oh and I love my office mate.  If you have to share an office with someone, Kim is the person to share it with.  We have some good laughs in here and it makes the days go by pretty fast and rather enjoyable. 

Valentine's Day is coming up.  Usually my husband and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day...I just don't see the point...but he's been such a sweetie lately it has made me feel a bit romantic!  I'm having something special delivered to his office.  I don't want to say what it is..just in case he ever discovers this blog...or at least if he discovers it before Valentine's Day. ha ha ha

Well..if anyone out there in this big space of internet is reading my thoughts....hope you have a wonderful day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jury Duty

Yesterday I reported to Jury Duty. 


Turned in my filled out Jury Summons, turned it into the bailiff and waited.
more yawning...

Then they herded us in, explained in boring detail what jury duty is and what you do...then went on to selections...

Well...they selected me. 
We heard the case and then went to deliberate.  Took us all of 2.5 minutes to come to a unanimous decision (it was just a civil case, not criminal) and I was the foreperson so I walked in took my seat then handed over our signed decision.

All in all it was a very interesting experience.  I don't particularly want to do it again because it takes FOREVER!  and with my luck I'd be chosen for some crazy 2 week long trial downtown next time.  ugh.  No Thank You!

The rest of the day went as planned. Came back to work for 2 hours and then to pick up the  baby.

She busted her lip the day before at her grandma's house on the concrete..bless her little heart and if you can believe it...did it again last night on the tile!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why is she so clumsy lately?  I want to nerf the house. 

I was so upset I cried and told my husband I was a bad mother and wife...he is such a trooper. He hugged me and kissed me. Told me that I was a wonderful wife and mother. I love him.  I love my little tiny existence on this earth. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Forgot to write yesterday...

Yesterday was insane! 

I have jury duty today.  Have to report to the little court house at 10:30am.  It's one of those little civil duty court houses or whatever.  Where they hear mostly Judge Judy type cases. I am quoting that directly from the guy who answers the phone over there.  So we'll see what kind of update I have when I get back to work.

For now, enjoy your day!  It's 21 outside and Houstonians are dealing with power outages and all kinds of crazy stuff. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Update

What a GREAT weekend!

Friday, came home and relaxed with my little girl and husband.  It was really nice.

Saturday morning got up at the crack of dawn and started cooking!  We had a 10lb pork shoulder (don't ask) so I cut about 3lbs off of it, put it in the crockpot with some yummy spices and other goodies to make pulled pork and I took the other 7lbs and roasted it with salt, pepper and garlic.  I cooked all 4:30 the roast was looking spectacular so I added some potatoes, carrots and onions to cook for the last hour.  The pulled pork was on it's own in the crock pot so all I had to do was take two forks to it and separate...mmm my house smelled so GREAT!

I shared the roast with my neighbors.  There was just too much to go around.  So on Saturday by 7pm we were feeling like fat cats ready for bed!!! We put the baby to sleep and then watched a movie and went to bed.  It was great.

Sunday morning I turned the pulled pork on to cook for another 4 hours.....and by lunch it was GAME TIME!! ha ha

I still have leftovers from the pulled pork..which will have to be donated to someone else.  We've had quite our fill.  It will be so much better when we have a bigger family.  Seems like I always cook for about 5 or so people....ha ha Can't quite get the portions down.  O'well..we always have leftovers!

Sunday night was calm and quiet.  Just the way I like it!!!

Now it's Monday at work..and well...You know how THAT goes! 

Talk later.  xo

Friday, January 28, 2011

CRAZY morning..glad it's Friday

What an insane morning!

I got up and took my shower...but decided I was still too tired to actually begin my day.  I reset my alarm and hit snooze four times!  FOUR TIMES!!!!!  When I finally decided to get out of the bed I rushed around getting ready...attempting to do something with my crazy hair didn't help.  I used lots of hairspray! Needless to say I'll be washing it again tonight.  It's super crunchy today.  I'm trying to start a new fad. LOL

Here's how this morning goes down:
7:00 am leave house
7:20 am get to gas station
7:21 am realize I've left my purse at home
7:40 am finally back at the house, grab purse
7:56 am just barely putted into the gas station *PHEW!
8:10 am arrived at work, safe and sound

Work has been a crazy sort of fun today.  ha ha Got an email that had print screens from a website called:
We have been cracking up all day!  It has taken me four hours to type this blog because we are still talking about that website. We've gotten some work done today...but lets just say I'm super distracted! 

I was so bored last night..guess I could have lead with that.  Baby was fast asleep by 7:45 I went to bed shortly after.  I must have gotten 10 hours of sleep...which makes me wonder why did I need to sleep in this morning in the first place? 

Oh well....

Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend. 

Wow..I just completed my first week of blogging.......but maybe that would be on Sunday?  Crud..I guess I will just consider this week M-F one week. :)

Here is a pic from one of the's posts..

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Leaving work in one hour to go get Vi and then go to the park!  I'm so excited I get to leave early today and have some fun with my kid!!!!

Of course, when I get home I still have chores to do, bags to pack for the baby, dinner to make and clean up.....aaah...the never ending list.  It's OK though, don't let me fool you, I enjoy every bit of my chaos!  It's semi organized chaos.  ha ha

Need to start boxing up the condo..have to get a house.  We are like sardines!!!!

Until tomorrow....

Ready to take on the day!

It was my day again to take the baby to the sitter this morning.

All the lights were green, only took 18 minutes AND then got to work before 7am.  That means I can leave early and go get my munckin at 2:30pm!!!
*can you tell I'm just a little excited?

Last night the hubby picked up the baby for me so I could go have dinner and drinks with my best girlfriend.  She's not doing so hot.  She and her husband have been trying to have a baby for over 2 years....even with fertility treatments and an IUI..she still isn't pregnant. I know it will happen for her.....just need more time.

That is two friends now that are having issues getting pregnant.  It's just awful!!!  I pray for both of them all of the time. just breaks my heart...but on to other news!!!

My daughter evidently did not want to leave her grandparents yesterday and this morning when I dropped her off she squealed in delight to see makes me happy that she is so happy with the arrangement...but I wonder sometimes...does she love them more than she loves me?  She doesn't squeal in delight to see me!!!  I guess I'm jealous...just a little.  *sniffle

Must get back to work....Yawn.....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

last night..sheesh!

Soooo, had to go to the grocery store after I left work yesterday.  I usually go on the days that my husband has to pick up the I don't have to cart the baby in the store too.  Anyone out there with kids knows exactly what I'm saying.  Shopping with a 1 year old can kill your nerves!! ha ha

My schedule last night was insane...didn't sit down (just went to bed, LOL) until 9:44.  Yes, that is exactly when I looked at the clock and said "...UGH!  I give up, I'm going to bed!" then looked at the hubby, who had been casually laying on the sofa watching TV, and said "So, you coming with me?"

Left work at 3:36pm
Got to the local grocery store at 4:05pm (I know that because I got a phone call as I'm trying to walk across the parking lot)
Went through the store as quickly as possible trying desperately to avoid this woman and her 5 kids.  They acted like they owned the whole store.  It was really annoying and I just wanted to run into her once just so I could say "There are other shoppers here...or didn't you notice?"  She and her kids are all over the place, shouting from isle to isle...while eating things off the shelf.  ugh...
Got to the self check out - which of course kept screaming at me to put my groceries in the bags...
Arrived in my driveway (or rather we are living in a tiny condo at the moment) at 5:07pm

Finally finished putting away the groceries around 5:30ish
Pulled all the meat off of a smoked chicken (from Sunday night), so I boiled the bones and skin to make a mesquite stock...might use it in a chili or something..who knows.
Started dinner - Spiral pasta, ground turkey in marinara (a very doctored jar of store sauce..if only I had all day at and garlic bread..mmmm
Baby and Daddy arrived home around 6:15ish
She's finally in her chair eating around 6:18pm
Daddy is eating his food shortly after
I finish with her then proceed to hide around the corner to eat...if I don' lil eater will want to eat my food too!  ha ha
7:08pm she is off and running around the house, taking all the tupperware out of my cabinet and climbing in playing peek-a-boo.  Makes me giggle every time.
7:15pm I am removing all the bones and skin from the pot before I remove the delicious smelling stock and put in the freezer.
7:30...kid still running all over the place having a grand time..did I tell you that the hubby has changed into his comfy pants and has been lounging on the sofa since he ate?  I didn't think so
7:45ish I've cleaned the kitchen and am finally asking the hubby to put the baby's nighttime diaper's a poopy of course it's like asking him to hand me his left kidney. ha ha
FINALLY at around 8:03 I get her bottle ready and lay her on the sofa with daddy so I can continue my 'after work chores'.
I have to clean up all the tupperware.
Clean up the baby's room.
Pack her bags for the next day.
Pack her lunch.
Fold her laundry (which doesn't get put away because she's squirming all over the place and daddy has given up)
Sit with the baby while she finishes her bottle (my feet are thankful...they're tired!)
She's asleep and in bed by 8:45pm
I head upstairs to put away laundry..and catch one of my DVR'd shows "Brother's and Sister's" - not understanding the story line this season..but kind of glad to see Holly's home wrecking character go away.  How can they like her now?  Eww. So weird.
And this is when I look at the clock...9:44pm!!! 
I go downstairs, chat with the hubby and say.."Sheesh with all that I'm finally able to sit down and relax...UGH!  I give up, I'm going to bed! So, you coming with me?"

So...It was my turn to drive the baby this morning...but I'll leave that whole story..for later.  Now my fingers are tired. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


You know, sometimes he does everything just right and I can't stop from smiling!!!
Came home to a clean, sparkling clean, house - he had the day off!!  Laundry done, floors mopped and vacuumed..was pretty nifty overall because then I got to spend time with him and hang out with the baby.

I dream of a time when I can be home taking care of business. 

Right now I'm at work...ahem..working. 

Anyone know anything about that Rosetta Stone software?  I'd like some first hand info.  really want to take Spanish.  I'd like to have a second language in the house.  If anyone is out there..reading my little confessional..let me know.

Monday, January 24, 2011

...the day went by so fast!

Unusual..but for a Monday the day flew by! 

I am glad this workday is over and I can go pick up my kid.  Sitting behind a desk all day...well, just isn't that grand.  I know, I know...I'm a grown up and should start acting like one! 

Well, I don't want to be a grown up..ha ha at least not a working outside of the home type grown up. 

People give me a hard time abotu that above statement.  Just because I'm a woman in 2011 doesn't mean I want to be an executive in a corner office rolling in money and working 24/7.  I mean..who needs that kind of stress.

I would love to be at home (sure, most people want to spend time with their kids) cleaning, letting my kid(s) make a total mess, cook and spend time with my husband then deal with the office.  I'd rather the family stress then office stress.  Family stress (well, my own little family of three!) is just more 'doable' for me. 

This is all I have time for .. but I just thought I had so much going on that I'd share it and maybe other mom's out there would like to talk too! 

PS  week two of potty training a very willing 13 month old.  Lets hope she keeps the bathroom rug dry today!