Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sooo tired....

Had a so much going on yesterday when I got home.  Didn't get to take Vi on her bike ride.  Poor girl. 

I won't go into all the details of how the night I usually do..but DANG! ha ha BUSY!

Got the baby in bed by 9ish.  I was so tired I went upstairs to bed shortly after.  At around Midnight Vi woke up..really upset..crying and seemed a bit scared.  Nathan (my hubby) tried to calm her down but she just didn't want to go back to sleep.  I layed on the couch with her and she started to calm down..but about 30 minutes after she was quiet....she started whimpering again.  I looked at her and realized her eyes were closed.  She was having bad dreams.  Poor baby!!  How can they have bad dreams at 15 months old?  Just broke my heart.  I consoled her with a soft voice and gentle rocking...seemed to work..but she started up again around 1:30ish.  Finally by 3:30 she was asleep for around an hour or so.  Tucked her back into bed and went upstairs. 

Today she goes in for her 15 month Dr. appointment.  Hubby is there with her right now.  We take turns taking her in so that neither of us have to take too much time off of work.  I think she has to get shots today.  She is usually a super trooper when it comes to getting I'm not too worried about it. 

She's trying to open and close her cup...she looks so tiny in this picture...and she so tall!! 

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