Thursday, April 7, 2011


Got through a very tricky morning!!! 

I will not go into details because I do not want to relive it but suffice it to say I am more than glad it is now the afternoon!!  Thank goodness for "Answered Prayers"!

Looking forward to this weekend.  Probably going to the Children's Festival.  Should be fun.  My daughter is just old enough to enjoy some of the festivities.  She loves to be outside.  There will be a ton going on.  Character's walking by and booths to visit...face painting (I wish she would sit still for it..but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen!) and games.  I can't wait to see her face when she sees all the big characters walking around.

Last week she ran up the the Easter bunny with such gusto that I just know she isn't going to have any issues with the larger than life cartoon characters.  She loves those Backyardigans.  We don't let her watch TV but on a rare occasion (wink wink) she will get to see a few shows and shows a lot of interest when they are dancing and singing.  She even dances along! 

I am hoping for a date night with my husband Friday night.  It would be good for us to get away and do that.  We usually include the baby in our date nights because she's is a part of our life!  Maybe I'll work on a sitter and surprise my man..hmmm must put more thought into this. 

If we go to dinner I don't want it to be super trendy or in and around where all of the hustle and bustle is.  I'd really like for it to be quiet and semi quaint.  Not so quaint that the service is terrible....that happens sometimes with the smaller joints.  Hmmm I guess I need to put more thought into that as well!!! 

Well, my faithful reader (Jody, I love you!) I hope you have a marvelous weekend.  And to anyone else out there who happens to pop in.  Have a beautiful day!

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