Monday, April 4, 2011

Whirlwind Weekend

This weekend was so busy!!!

Let's just say if you have ever been involved in a Catholic's very long, very drawn out...was busy with it from Friday evening until Saturday after 11am.  Phew.  My poor God Daughter...all she wanted was for it to be completed...and it just went on and on and on.  She is a good girl.  Love that kid. 

With that out of the way the rest of Saturday seemed to fly on by....and then there was Sunday. 

Got up..took care of the kiddo and then went to the grocery store.  I think I spent way too much.  But have groceries for the month for a tad over $200.  Most of it being organic.  I was so excited to see more items at my local grocery store available in organic.  We've been trying for quite some time to go completely organic...even with our cleaning supplies.  We're almost there.  Just a few things to run out of and then we'll be an organic the food and cleaing product sense.  Our child has been fed almost all organic since she started eating real food.  She is the reason we want to be healthier.  It's a pretty good reason if I do say so myself!!!

After that painful-to-the-purse grocery trip, got home and took care of putting everything away and feeding Vi her lunch...we played and tried to take an afternoon went all kinds of wrong!!!  We laid down (I was tired too!) at 4:30...lots of crying and fit throwing..I gave up.  We let her play at bit and then at 5 layed down again.  YAY...napped until 6:20 when I woke her up to eat dinner.  She ate..then bath time and then...without much fuss she took her night bottle and layed quietly.  She didn't go to sleep though (probably because of such a late nap!! ha ha) so putting her in her bed and closing the door by 8:30...she finally fell asleep by 9!  Hate to stick her in there by herself now because at 15 months the tiny thing that she is has learned how to climb out of her crib!!!  So we like to make sure she is good and tired or asleep before putting her in there.  She is in that in between stage...too big for her crib but too small for a toddler bed.  We may have to get the toddler bed soon anyway....for peace of mind! 

It's Monday and I'm excited to meet my pregnant friend Andrea for lunch.  I can't wait to catch up with her.  The last time I saw her was at her wedding last year!!! 

Happy Monday

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