Monday, April 11, 2011

Telecommuting, should be interesting

I've been approved to telecommute one day a week.  I've picked Wednesday's.  It is all because we are out a sitter for two days a week.  My mom has decided she will do four days a week if I could just find a sitter for one day a week. 

It would be great if I could find someone to come to the house on Friday's...but that's not going to happen.  At least with this new situation we aren't spending money we don't have on child care..which will lead to less doctor's appointments.  At least when they go to school they have to have all of their vaccinations.  So, we've got that going for us.

I am curious to see how the telecommuting goes.  I have to bring my laptop to work and IT will set it all up for me...and then voila..I should be good to go.  I'm hoping that it gets done tomorrow and that I can stay in on Wednesday.  The rest of the week I will have to drive out to Katy...not at all looking forward to that commute but what the heck, it's free child care, right?

Ever notice how my paragraphs don't always go..?  I just sort of flow in and out like I'm talking.  I should probably get that straightened out if I want to write my book.  It's not on motherhood or even pregnancy.  It's a semi autobiography on my high school years.  Parts will be severely embellished and other parts will be slimmed down.  We'll see how it goes.  I've pitched the idea to a few people with some snip its...and they loved it.  AND .. yes, I've pitched it to people who would actually tell me the truth if it was crap.  I have a second book on the brain..entitled "The life and times of a liar" it is loosely based on a person that used to be in my life..and works really well as a fictional character.  The title is a working title..but I have so many things to write around...It has to contain liar...or compulsive...something.  I've got a few things a notebook jotted down.  I just need to sit down and write at night instead of going to bed at 9:45 or 10...just so worn out.

I know a lot of people say they have a novel in their head...why not put it on paper, send it around and see what happens?  You never know unless you try!

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