Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AARRGH! Work..it's a four letter word

OH my goodness!  Today could not be worse...well, I'm sure it could..but it's pretty bad at work!  I just want to scream and throw my monitors at someone.  Ever had a day like that? 

Usually I can contain my irritation with the stuff that goes on..but today..no can do.  I am about to go on a walk!!! 

Countdown time...

Well...I feel a tad better. LOL

Just need to put a picture of my precious family in my head and all will be well..I work to make sure my family has what we need....must learn to love my job..must learn to love my job..
I will just repeat that to myself all day.  It will probably help.

Hope everyone out there is having a much better day then I am!

Take care :)

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