Friday, January 28, 2011

CRAZY morning..glad it's Friday

What an insane morning!

I got up and took my shower...but decided I was still too tired to actually begin my day.  I reset my alarm and hit snooze four times!  FOUR TIMES!!!!!  When I finally decided to get out of the bed I rushed around getting ready...attempting to do something with my crazy hair didn't help.  I used lots of hairspray! Needless to say I'll be washing it again tonight.  It's super crunchy today.  I'm trying to start a new fad. LOL

Here's how this morning goes down:
7:00 am leave house
7:20 am get to gas station
7:21 am realize I've left my purse at home
7:40 am finally back at the house, grab purse
7:56 am just barely putted into the gas station *PHEW!
8:10 am arrived at work, safe and sound

Work has been a crazy sort of fun today.  ha ha Got an email that had print screens from a website called:
We have been cracking up all day!  It has taken me four hours to type this blog because we are still talking about that website. We've gotten some work done today...but lets just say I'm super distracted! 

I was so bored last night..guess I could have lead with that.  Baby was fast asleep by 7:45 I went to bed shortly after.  I must have gotten 10 hours of sleep...which makes me wonder why did I need to sleep in this morning in the first place? 

Oh well....

Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend. 

Wow..I just completed my first week of blogging.......but maybe that would be on Sunday?  Crud..I guess I will just consider this week M-F one week. :)

Here is a pic from one of the's posts..

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