Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Update

What a GREAT weekend!

Friday, came home and relaxed with my little girl and husband.  It was really nice.

Saturday morning got up at the crack of dawn and started cooking!  We had a 10lb pork shoulder (don't ask) so I cut about 3lbs off of it, put it in the crockpot with some yummy spices and other goodies to make pulled pork and I took the other 7lbs and roasted it with salt, pepper and garlic.  I cooked all 4:30 the roast was looking spectacular so I added some potatoes, carrots and onions to cook for the last hour.  The pulled pork was on it's own in the crock pot so all I had to do was take two forks to it and separate...mmm my house smelled so GREAT!

I shared the roast with my neighbors.  There was just too much to go around.  So on Saturday by 7pm we were feeling like fat cats ready for bed!!! We put the baby to sleep and then watched a movie and went to bed.  It was great.

Sunday morning I turned the pulled pork on to cook for another 4 hours.....and by lunch it was GAME TIME!! ha ha

I still have leftovers from the pulled pork..which will have to be donated to someone else.  We've had quite our fill.  It will be so much better when we have a bigger family.  Seems like I always cook for about 5 or so people....ha ha Can't quite get the portions down.  O'well..we always have leftovers!

Sunday night was calm and quiet.  Just the way I like it!!!

Now it's Monday at work..and well...You know how THAT goes! 

Talk later.  xo

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