Monday, January 24, 2011

...the day went by so fast!

Unusual..but for a Monday the day flew by! 

I am glad this workday is over and I can go pick up my kid.  Sitting behind a desk all day...well, just isn't that grand.  I know, I know...I'm a grown up and should start acting like one! 

Well, I don't want to be a grown up..ha ha at least not a working outside of the home type grown up. 

People give me a hard time abotu that above statement.  Just because I'm a woman in 2011 doesn't mean I want to be an executive in a corner office rolling in money and working 24/7.  I mean..who needs that kind of stress.

I would love to be at home (sure, most people want to spend time with their kids) cleaning, letting my kid(s) make a total mess, cook and spend time with my husband then deal with the office.  I'd rather the family stress then office stress.  Family stress (well, my own little family of three!) is just more 'doable' for me. 

This is all I have time for .. but I just thought I had so much going on that I'd share it and maybe other mom's out there would like to talk too! 

PS  week two of potty training a very willing 13 month old.  Lets hope she keeps the bathroom rug dry today!

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