Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jury Duty

Yesterday I reported to Jury Duty. 


Turned in my filled out Jury Summons, turned it into the bailiff and waited.
more yawning...

Then they herded us in, explained in boring detail what jury duty is and what you do...then went on to selections...

Well...they selected me. 
We heard the case and then went to deliberate.  Took us all of 2.5 minutes to come to a unanimous decision (it was just a civil case, not criminal) and I was the foreperson so I walked in took my seat then handed over our signed decision.

All in all it was a very interesting experience.  I don't particularly want to do it again because it takes FOREVER!  and with my luck I'd be chosen for some crazy 2 week long trial downtown next time.  ugh.  No Thank You!

The rest of the day went as planned. Came back to work for 2 hours and then to pick up the  baby.

She busted her lip the day before at her grandma's house on the concrete..bless her little heart and if you can believe it...did it again last night on the tile!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why is she so clumsy lately?  I want to nerf the house. 

I was so upset I cried and told my husband I was a bad mother and wife...he is such a trooper. He hugged me and kissed me. Told me that I was a wonderful wife and mother. I love him.  I love my little tiny existence on this earth. 

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