Thursday, February 17, 2011

it's been a while

It's been a long time....sorry.

I don't think anyone is out there reading this anyway.  LOL

So, basically...I'm worn out.  Kiddo is sick for the first, sick, sick...Fever started yesterday at around 6:30 PM and has been hanging sad...she's just this little lump.  Her fever hasn't gotten higher than 101 but still....hope her little body can fight whatever it is attacking her. 

I would so much rather be sick.  I can't take it when something happens to her.  I mean I'm not all psycho and out of control about it..but still I would trade places with her in a heart beat.  Bless her heart.

Nothing much has really happened...but that's my boring little life! 

I did go to a Scentsy convention on 2/15/2011 with 2 other friends.  It was fun for the most part...but the speakers were so boring!  Oh man!!! 

If anyone is out there reading this...and you want to know about website is:

Take care out there...who ever you are....

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