Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The scale said I gained...

I wanted to toss it out of the window.  What right does that scale have to make me feel so awful?  How can I let an inanimate object make me want to cry?  UGH. The frustration of diet and exercise. 

Today's mini challenge is 300 jumping jacks.  I haven't even completed yesterday's mini challenge of 50 push ups.  I swear I'm not usually a procrastinator but seems I've turned into one.  I don't know what has come over me lately but it's not good.  I need to pull it together and get back on track. 

Maybe I'm putting too much thought into diet and exercise?  When I wasn't thinking about it so much I didn't have a problem staying on track.  That seem ironic to me since you have to really think about what you are doing in order to lose weight! For the life of me...someone needs to shake me!  Hey, maybe that would shake a few pounds from my butt.  Hmmm I'm thinking old school, fat shaking machine.  Whose got one? 

Subject change.

Today is my Friday at work!  WOOT.  Time with my husband.  Can't wait.  Don't come back to work until Tuesday.  I'll be posting vacation pics...not that anyone really wants to view them..but I'm going to.  And no, I will not be disclosing the location. hee hee

Good luck to everyone in whatever it is you need luck for.  I need some diet luck.  Pass some my way! 

Where is the kitchen, again? Help. haha

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