Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It was a good day.

Yesterday was a good day all the way around.  Got some things finished up at the office...ran a few errands and picked up the kids.

The kids...weren't their usual super grumpo, starving selves when I got them.  That was shocking!  Usually the race is on to get them home and fed.  Time is of the essence.  I have started bringing a snack for the car ride for my 2.5 year old...but my 8.5 month old..well, he really can't snack in the car.  I got them home and Violet wanted to color. Um, OK.  Got her set up with her Crayola Color Wonder (those things are THE BEST), dun, duuuun!!!!!  She did just fine.  Had a blast. 

Downstairs I got my son in his highchair and gave him some Gerber Lil Crunchies (He loves them and so does my daughter!) while I prepared his baby food.  Now, since I'm a working mom I need all the help I can get.  I am not one of those women that can do it all.  No offense to those that can..but I haven't been able to figure it out.  So I buy, in bulk, Earth's Best Organic jars from Amazon Mom.  I do the subscribe and save option.  It's amazing because I never run out of food!!!  I have enough for home and daycare!

My daughter is ready to come son is full and happy...all is well in my word.  No tantrums, no whining just good plain fun!, universe...if you can hear me...can you make that happen all the time? I would really appreciate it. The rest of the night was pretty much the same.  Had lots of help from the husband....boy howdy was that amazing.  He made me super happy last night. Bathed our son...and got our daughter ready for bed as I did chores.  I'm actually not as exhausted as I normally am!!! Hooray for awesome husbands!

Onto a great deal!  I have always bought mascara in the $6 - $10 range.  I guess that is cheap to mid-range on pricing.  I have never gone as far as super name brand mascara.  It's kind of all the same to me.  I never went as low as the $1 bin either.  Who knows why?  Well, my friend Kim and I were shopping and came across Rimmel's brand of mascara.  They have different prices ranging from $2.99 to $5.99 from what I saw.  I had never tried it and was in desperate need for a new mascara but didn't have enough money for my usual brand.  Let me tell you that I ripped the band-aid off and went for the $2.99 Rimmel Extra Wow Lash mascara (Pictured below).  It is AWESOME!  It does't clump, flake....and my lashes really do look "Extra Wow"!  I'm really happy with my purchase.  I hope it helps someone else out there.  Mascara is such a hard thing to buy. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. 

Word of the day from Word Think: - I think I'm going to have fun trying to use this one today!


Assuage v. 1. To make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: “to assuage one’s pain.” 2. to appease, satisfy, or relieve: “To assuage one’s hunger.” 3. to soothe or calm: “To assuage his fears;” “To assuage her anger.”

Since I can't find time to be in the kitchen..I might as well make the best of the time I have in it!

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