Tuesday, August 28, 2012


The above may look like a fringed t-shirt....but it's not!!! It's a grocery bag made out of a t-shirt!!!


I have been trying to do the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" with my family and come up with clever ways to reuse our stuff lately.  I've gotten OK at the reducing....and terrible with Recycle! 

Reuse has come to me by way of ReFashionista.  She posted a way to make bags out of t-shirts.  I loved it so much, but I don't have a sewing machine at the moment.  So I googled how to do it the no sew way.  I cannot find the blog right now where she shows you a very simple way of using a length of the arm portion cut off and put into the bottom casing of the shirt.  When I find it I will link it.  Anyway.  I did a few shirts like that for my family and my friends.  My friend Kim asked me to do one of her husbands old shirts...but it didn't have a bottom casing.  That is where I decided to go with fringe and tie!  Now, maybe I'm not the only one to do it..but I didn't see it in my google search so it isn't a stolen idea. 

I'm going to make a bunch of them (Yes, I have a ton of t-shirts) for my family members for Christmas.  I am going to try and make other upcycled items as well.  We are strapped for cash this last year and moving into this year so I need to penny pinch as much as possible. 

I think I need to turn this blog into upcycled stuff and super bargains!  That brings me to my next item.

I broke my Cannon camera, my absolute favorite little item ever about a year ago.  Well, I finally broke down and got another camera....I don't like it as much but like I said..strapped for cash.  I can't be camera-less with a new baby (he's 8 months old now! and I missed out on a ton of photo's for him.  Poor second kid!) so I had to.  It was one of those things.  Now, my Cannon broke because it was roaming around in my purse.  I was at the Dollar Tree yesterday and found a hard case for my camera.  PERFECT sized, hard case for....you guessed it....ONE DOLLAR!  I couldn't believe my luck. 

I need some bins to organize my family's stuff.  I have a few diaper boxes that I can use....hmmm...Does the dollar store have sticky shelf paper?  I know it has wrapping paper..but I think I need something a tad sturdier. 

If I have any readers out there...suggestions please!!! 

ETA: I really am horrible at blogging. LOL

Word of the day by Word Think


Vicarious [vi·car·i·ous] adj. 1. Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person: “A vicarious thrill.” 2. Acting or done for another: “A vicarious atonement.”

I like this word...I have used it often.  Hmmm...maybe a little too often. Time to start living my life so that other people want to live vicariously through me!  HA!

Have a beautiful day.

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