Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Blueberry muffins and donut holes

Horrible. Horrible. HORRIBLE!

I had a 400+ calorie blueberry muffin for breakfast this morning and feel so crappy about it!  ARRGH!  I feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football as Lucy yanks it away.  Lucy in my case is PMS!  The football is my goal...that I keep missing and me being Charlie Brown, need I explain?

What is it about trying to diet and become a healthier individual that make obstacles appear?  I swear I haven't wanted a blueberry muffin in years.  YEARS!  But I certainly had to stuff one down my mouth this morning....and I did so with gusto!  *hangs head down in shame*

I vow to do a better job today.  For me, for my friends all dieting with me...for my children!  If I'm not healthy how can I possibly have healthy children?  It's all by example and I really need to step up my game.  Growing up, sorry mom, I did not have the healthiest parents.  We ate in front of the TV and we certainly weren't health conscious.  I can remember that most of the time a vegetable wasn't served.  I have to give my mom credit now. She's eating more vegetables, still not enough, but something is better than nothing.  I always had dessert every night.  Ice cream or an ice pop or even a bowl (large) of sugary cereal.  Now, during the week for school I was not allowed sugary cereal..that was allowed on the weekends...but dessert, well that was a different ball game.  I'm surprised that I stayed thin throughout my teen years and into my twenties.  I'm not obese now...but losing 25lbs sure would make a difference. 

I need to tone up and lose a few inches.  Maybe 25lbs is too high of a goal.  I'm at 140, 5'2" and carry my weight well.  It's pretty evenly distributed. LOL.  My goal is to be around 115.  I know I can do it.  I've done it before.  Having two children in 2 years wasn't exactly the best thing for my midsection.  I know it can be done. I know I can tone up and have a "bangin" body. ha ha

Ahhh...I feel better now.  Got it all out. 

Condo news:  Looks like the contracts got signed last night!  7 day option so I'm hoping to pay off a few things and start looking for my new home in a couple of months.  I'd like to have Christmas in my new home so that's another goal I have.  25lbs and Christmas in my new home. 
Say it with me....
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."

I need to get my butt in gear at work.  Good thing I type about 85wpm.  It only takes me a couple of minutes to get it all out! 

I'd rather be in the kitchen..but I'm so grateful for a job and all that I have. 
Have a wonderful day.

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