Thursday, July 26, 2012


We have been trying to sell our tiny condo FOREVER! Today might just have been our day. We have buyers and as ling as they sign a contract...I think we are good!!!

I am dying to get into a house. It is extremely hard to find one that meets all of our needs so we have had to take a step back and give up on a few things. I don't mind having to do a few renovations, but I do not want to have to tear down walls inside a home because of wood panels! Good Lord! How are there still homes with wall to wall wood panels? They are awful!!

As I lay here typing this I am so worried about how long it might take for us to find a home. It took so long to sell ours. What if we miss out on this buyers market??? I don't want to buy low so I can sell it in a year or do for profit....but I do want to get a good deal since we had to sell ours for zero profit!

Life is starting to turn around for us. It took a long time for us to find each other and our life together started rough. It seems to be leveling out and all of our hard work is paying off. Today is over...I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings for my little family if four.

As always, I wish I was in the kitchen! Signing off to get some sleep so I can get up before the sun to get us all up and ready for Friday.

Good night!

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