Monday, July 30, 2012

Is it Monday?

This weekend flew by!  I did not get my craft on.  :(

I did, however, get all of my laundry completed.  hahah. 

This weekend went by so fast the only thing I remember doing is laundry.  I am sitting here trying to think of what else we did.  Nothing, I guess.  How does that even happen?  How, on Monday, can I not remember what happened Friday through Sunday?!?!?! 

I do know that this week is going to go by fast.  I'm only in the office Monday through Wednesday. I love having a short week at the office.

A month or so ago I started Weight Watchers.  It was working great.  I was tracking my points and entering any exercise I completed and I immediately lost 6lbs.  It was all downhill from there.  I wasn't able to stay motivated despite doing the program with two of my coworkers.  I gained 3lbs back.  BOO!  I started using the free tracking website called last week and it has been much better.  A few of my friends are also using that and we can all see each other's goals, progress and make comments to each other on our status.  This site has really kept my interest.  I am excited to log in and not only see my progress but my friends as well!!!  I love writing on their pages as they complete their daily journals and enter in weight loss.  It's so motivating!  I suggest going there before paying for Weight Watchers.  I will never pay for a program again. 

Keep on, keeping on. 
As always....I'd rather be in the kitchen!

PS Anyone have any good pork chop recipes?  I really want to try something new. 

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