Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Blueberry muffins and donut holes

Horrible. Horrible. HORRIBLE!

I had a 400+ calorie blueberry muffin for breakfast this morning and feel so crappy about it!  ARRGH!  I feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football as Lucy yanks it away.  Lucy in my case is PMS!  The football is my goal...that I keep missing and me being Charlie Brown, need I explain?

What is it about trying to diet and become a healthier individual that make obstacles appear?  I swear I haven't wanted a blueberry muffin in years.  YEARS!  But I certainly had to stuff one down my mouth this morning....and I did so with gusto!  *hangs head down in shame*

I vow to do a better job today.  For me, for my friends all dieting with me...for my children!  If I'm not healthy how can I possibly have healthy children?  It's all by example and I really need to step up my game.  Growing up, sorry mom, I did not have the healthiest parents.  We ate in front of the TV and we certainly weren't health conscious.  I can remember that most of the time a vegetable wasn't served.  I have to give my mom credit now. She's eating more vegetables, still not enough, but something is better than nothing.  I always had dessert every night.  Ice cream or an ice pop or even a bowl (large) of sugary cereal.  Now, during the week for school I was not allowed sugary cereal..that was allowed on the weekends...but dessert, well that was a different ball game.  I'm surprised that I stayed thin throughout my teen years and into my twenties.  I'm not obese now...but losing 25lbs sure would make a difference. 

I need to tone up and lose a few inches.  Maybe 25lbs is too high of a goal.  I'm at 140, 5'2" and carry my weight well.  It's pretty evenly distributed. LOL.  My goal is to be around 115.  I know I can do it.  I've done it before.  Having two children in 2 years wasn't exactly the best thing for my midsection.  I know it can be done. I know I can tone up and have a "bangin" body. ha ha

Ahhh...I feel better now.  Got it all out. 

Condo news:  Looks like the contracts got signed last night!  7 day option so I'm hoping to pay off a few things and start looking for my new home in a couple of months.  I'd like to have Christmas in my new home so that's another goal I have.  25lbs and Christmas in my new home. 
Say it with me....
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."

I need to get my butt in gear at work.  Good thing I type about 85wpm.  It only takes me a couple of minutes to get it all out! 

I'd rather be in the kitchen..but I'm so grateful for a job and all that I have. 
Have a wonderful day.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Is it Monday?

This weekend flew by!  I did not get my craft on.  :(

I did, however, get all of my laundry completed.  hahah. 

This weekend went by so fast the only thing I remember doing is laundry.  I am sitting here trying to think of what else we did.  Nothing, I guess.  How does that even happen?  How, on Monday, can I not remember what happened Friday through Sunday?!?!?! 

I do know that this week is going to go by fast.  I'm only in the office Monday through Wednesday. I love having a short week at the office.

A month or so ago I started Weight Watchers.  It was working great.  I was tracking my points and entering any exercise I completed and I immediately lost 6lbs.  It was all downhill from there.  I wasn't able to stay motivated despite doing the program with two of my coworkers.  I gained 3lbs back.  BOO!  I started using the free tracking website called MyFitnessPal.com last week and it has been much better.  A few of my friends are also using that and we can all see each other's goals, progress and make comments to each other on our status.  This site has really kept my interest.  I am excited to log in and not only see my progress but my friends as well!!!  I love writing on their pages as they complete their daily journals and enter in weight loss.  It's so motivating!  I suggest going there before paying for Weight Watchers.  I will never pay for a program again. 

Keep on, keeping on. 
As always....I'd rather be in the kitchen!

PS Anyone have any good pork chop recipes?  I really want to try something new. 

Friday, July 27, 2012


Just left work and headed to Hobby Lobby before I pick up the kids. Want to get my craft on this weekend.

I really need to get our family pictures printed and sent out. We took them in June and I have really sat on them. Oops. Maybe I will find some good frames at HL.

Can't wait to spend time with the kids and hubby. No pressing housework...minimal amount of laundry. I might have a close to stress free weekend!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


We have been trying to sell our tiny condo FOREVER! Today might just have been our day. We have buyers and as ling as they sign a contract...I think we are good!!!

I am dying to get into a house. It is extremely hard to find one that meets all of our needs so we have had to take a step back and give up on a few things. I don't mind having to do a few renovations, but I do not want to have to tear down walls inside a home because of wood panels! Good Lord! How are there still homes with wall to wall wood panels? They are awful!!

As I lay here typing this I am so worried about how long it might take for us to find a home. It took so long to sell ours. What if we miss out on this buyers market??? I don't want to buy low so I can sell it in a year or do for profit....but I do want to get a good deal since we had to sell ours for zero profit!

Life is starting to turn around for us. It took a long time for us to find each other and our life together started rough. It seems to be leveling out and all of our hard work is paying off. Today is over...I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings for my little family if four.

As always, I wish I was in the kitchen! Signing off to get some sleep so I can get up before the sun to get us all up and ready for Friday.

Good night!

Where are my posts going?

To outer space!! I downloaded the application to post from my phone and it wasn't working. Awesome.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Great find!

OK, so one of my guilty pleasures is a really great find while shopping.
Today I scored a pair of Steve Madden flip flops for $6 at Ross. Can't wait to wear them tomorrow!!!
Anyone out there reading my blog? Where do you find your killer deals?

I'm baaaaack!

Not that anyone missed me..but I'm back.

I've been off having baby #2...a boy!  He's 7 months old..so I've had some time to get used to two kids and what a ride!

I had him December 2011.  I was only off from work 2 weeks, no maternity leave offered...what century are we in?, back to work in January.  I worked from home in January while my mom watched my 2 year old daughter during the day.  It was tough but I got to spend so much time with him. 

In February of 2012 my office allowed me to work from home Tuesday's and Thursday's.  My daughter went to preschool M-W-F and stayed home with me and Drew on Tu&Th.  I had to work double hard to get it all done..but I got a good schedule going and made it work....until now.  I'm back at work 5 days a week.

This is the first week my son is in daycare.  I miss his little laugh during the day.  I miss my daughter's big hugs and hearing her play in her room.  This week has seemed extra long and extra hard....I miss my kids!!!
I know other working moms out there go through the same hot mess I am right now.  I applaud all working moms.  We are making it work for our families the best way we can. 

I'll have to update later on my hectic schedule right now.  I am still trying to wrap my head around everything.