Thursday, February 17, 2011

it's been a while

It's been a long time....sorry.

I don't think anyone is out there reading this anyway.  LOL

So, basically...I'm worn out.  Kiddo is sick for the first, sick, sick...Fever started yesterday at around 6:30 PM and has been hanging sad...she's just this little lump.  Her fever hasn't gotten higher than 101 but still....hope her little body can fight whatever it is attacking her. 

I would so much rather be sick.  I can't take it when something happens to her.  I mean I'm not all psycho and out of control about it..but still I would trade places with her in a heart beat.  Bless her heart.

Nothing much has really happened...but that's my boring little life! 

I did go to a Scentsy convention on 2/15/2011 with 2 other friends.  It was fun for the most part...but the speakers were so boring!  Oh man!!! 

If anyone is out there reading this...and you want to know about website is:

Take care out there...who ever you are....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What a day!

Things have been absolutely insane lately.  Getting pulled in 6 different directions!!

I'll just post the good stuff.  My little girl has her 9th tooth! Top left molar. I'll be so glad when she has them all...I can't keep her shirts dry with all the drool!  I think the other three molars are not far behind.  It's just amazing how fast it is all going. 

Husband is so sweet lately.  Just loving all the extra things he's helping with around the house without being asked and how attentive he is with his daughter.  I've never seen a better daddy!!!  Our relationship is in such a good place...not that it was ever out of place...but even though we have so much going on there is just a wonderful balance between the two of us.  I don't know what it is..but I like it!  It can just keep on keeping on for all I care!!!  ha ha

Good stuff about I actually have a job!!!  Oh and I love my office mate.  If you have to share an office with someone, Kim is the person to share it with.  We have some good laughs in here and it makes the days go by pretty fast and rather enjoyable. 

Valentine's Day is coming up.  Usually my husband and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day...I just don't see the point...but he's been such a sweetie lately it has made me feel a bit romantic!  I'm having something special delivered to his office.  I don't want to say what it is..just in case he ever discovers this blog...or at least if he discovers it before Valentine's Day. ha ha ha

Well..if anyone out there in this big space of internet is reading my thoughts....hope you have a wonderful day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jury Duty

Yesterday I reported to Jury Duty. 


Turned in my filled out Jury Summons, turned it into the bailiff and waited.
more yawning...

Then they herded us in, explained in boring detail what jury duty is and what you do...then went on to selections...

Well...they selected me. 
We heard the case and then went to deliberate.  Took us all of 2.5 minutes to come to a unanimous decision (it was just a civil case, not criminal) and I was the foreperson so I walked in took my seat then handed over our signed decision.

All in all it was a very interesting experience.  I don't particularly want to do it again because it takes FOREVER!  and with my luck I'd be chosen for some crazy 2 week long trial downtown next time.  ugh.  No Thank You!

The rest of the day went as planned. Came back to work for 2 hours and then to pick up the  baby.

She busted her lip the day before at her grandma's house on the concrete..bless her little heart and if you can believe it...did it again last night on the tile!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why is she so clumsy lately?  I want to nerf the house. 

I was so upset I cried and told my husband I was a bad mother and wife...he is such a trooper. He hugged me and kissed me. Told me that I was a wonderful wife and mother. I love him.  I love my little tiny existence on this earth. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Forgot to write yesterday...

Yesterday was insane! 

I have jury duty today.  Have to report to the little court house at 10:30am.  It's one of those little civil duty court houses or whatever.  Where they hear mostly Judge Judy type cases. I am quoting that directly from the guy who answers the phone over there.  So we'll see what kind of update I have when I get back to work.

For now, enjoy your day!  It's 21 outside and Houstonians are dealing with power outages and all kinds of crazy stuff.