Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm baaaaack!

Not that anyone missed me..but I'm back.

I've been off having baby #2...a boy!  He's 7 months I've had some time to get used to two kids and what a ride!

I had him December 2011.  I was only off from work 2 weeks, no maternity leave offered...what century are we in?, back to work in January.  I worked from home in January while my mom watched my 2 year old daughter during the day.  It was tough but I got to spend so much time with him. 

In February of 2012 my office allowed me to work from home Tuesday's and Thursday's.  My daughter went to preschool M-W-F and stayed home with me and Drew on Tu&Th.  I had to work double hard to get it all done..but I got a good schedule going and made it work....until now.  I'm back at work 5 days a week.

This is the first week my son is in daycare.  I miss his little laugh during the day.  I miss my daughter's big hugs and hearing her play in her room.  This week has seemed extra long and extra hard....I miss my kids!!!
I know other working moms out there go through the same hot mess I am right now.  I applaud all working moms.  We are making it work for our families the best way we can. 

I'll have to update later on my hectic schedule right now.  I am still trying to wrap my head around everything.

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