Thursday, March 31, 2011

Orange and Pink?

So I changed the background...semi nifty....hmmm

Still messing with it...well, no..technically..I'm working. 

So glad it's Thursday!!!

I am so ready for Thursday...not because anything special is happening..just that, well it's closer to the weekend!! YAY!!!

I'm thinking of changing the look of this blog.  It's pretty boring!  I was kind of surfing other blogs and noticed everyone has the great headlines and photos at the top.  How do you do that??? 

I want my blog to be pretty!!  OK, maybe not pretty..but neater?  ha ha.  I'm kind of off my rocker I think.

Anyway...anyone out

OH and I swear my daughter is the best medicine.  When you are having a rough day and you need a little bit of laughter (because for some reason it's just not happening!) just sit down and appreciate your children.  Last night, taking a breather just before getting her ready for bed, she took my hand and marched me over to her bows and started trying to put them in her hair!  So funny.  I started by putting one bow in..then she handed me another and another, until they were all in her hair!!  She smiled and was so proud!  She just loved looking at her little reflection in the mirror. 


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sooo tired....

Had a so much going on yesterday when I got home.  Didn't get to take Vi on her bike ride.  Poor girl. 

I won't go into all the details of how the night I usually do..but DANG! ha ha BUSY!

Got the baby in bed by 9ish.  I was so tired I went upstairs to bed shortly after.  At around Midnight Vi woke up..really upset..crying and seemed a bit scared.  Nathan (my hubby) tried to calm her down but she just didn't want to go back to sleep.  I layed on the couch with her and she started to calm down..but about 30 minutes after she was quiet....she started whimpering again.  I looked at her and realized her eyes were closed.  She was having bad dreams.  Poor baby!!  How can they have bad dreams at 15 months old?  Just broke my heart.  I consoled her with a soft voice and gentle rocking...seemed to work..but she started up again around 1:30ish.  Finally by 3:30 she was asleep for around an hour or so.  Tucked her back into bed and went upstairs. 

Today she goes in for her 15 month Dr. appointment.  Hubby is there with her right now.  We take turns taking her in so that neither of us have to take too much time off of work.  I think she has to get shots today.  She is usually a super trooper when it comes to getting I'm not too worried about it. 

She's trying to open and close her cup...she looks so tiny in this picture...and she so tall!! 

Monday, March 28, 2011

This weekend was crazy!!!!!

Zero time to was INSANE!

Friday was slow enough..but Saturday was crazy. 

Woke up, took care of baby...passed her off to hubby to get ready for a bridal shower.  Left house, played chauffer to two family members, drove an hour to the shower..stayed for 2 hours, drove an hour back, got home, hubby passed the baby to me...took her on a bike ride, played, made dinner, hubby got back from golf, fed baby ready for bed...and got her to sleep...all in time to go to bed at 9:30 on a Saturday night! ha ha

Sunday, woke up early, got baby taken care of..passed her off to hubby and went to Student/Sponsor meeting with my God Daughter...couple of hours in and we had most of the information we needed for next weekend...took her to lunch, got home, fed hubby leftovers from lunch (fajitas...YUM) then played with baby, he went to play golf, took baby for a walk or a bike ride rather..on her "GEE-GA-CA" which is how she says bicycle...then, got home, she played a bit more, hubby came home with pizza and wine...just in darling daughter did not want to sleep!!!  Finally she was asleep around 10:30...and we finally got to bed around 11.

Somehow in between all of that on both days I managed to keep the downstairs some what clean and put away Violet's laundry.  The only "person" in our family that got a bit negleted was the cat. P.  Poor thing.  Ended up locked in the upstairs bathroom on Friday for a good 3 hours..and no one noticed!  How awful is that!!?? 

It was a good weekend though.  I can't complain....I didn't have to be at work! ha ha

Now it's Monday and here I am at work....

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

She's growing up too fast..

My Violet...

She was very interested in a flower...but I couldn't help snapping a picture of her profile. 

My sweet baby. 

So happy for my friends!

I'm pretty bad at this blogging thing.  I forget to write in it.  No one is reading it anyway! ha ha

I just have to shout out that I am so happy for Ben and Lauren!!!  They have received a beautiful gift from God.  Eden!!!  Such a beautiful little girl.  They have adopted her and will get to bring her home soon. 

Congratulations to two of the most beautiful human beings I know. I am so happy for you!!!

God is so good. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I've been slightly busy...

Wow...I really have been out of touch with my little online journal!

Sad thing is...nothing much to report! 

Homelife is great...wish I was at home more often! well, work!  I have a new office mate.  We shall see how it goes.  I lucked out with my first one and we are just the best of friends.  I'm not sure how this one will go.  She's very often sick and always has a nagging cough.  I am not sure I can handle it or how to even approach it if I get upset.  I'll have to really learn to be patient in here....ha ha that's a good one...isn't it? 

I'll catch up more later...