Wednesday, January 26, 2011

last night..sheesh!

Soooo, had to go to the grocery store after I left work yesterday.  I usually go on the days that my husband has to pick up the I don't have to cart the baby in the store too.  Anyone out there with kids knows exactly what I'm saying.  Shopping with a 1 year old can kill your nerves!! ha ha

My schedule last night was insane...didn't sit down (just went to bed, LOL) until 9:44.  Yes, that is exactly when I looked at the clock and said "...UGH!  I give up, I'm going to bed!" then looked at the hubby, who had been casually laying on the sofa watching TV, and said "So, you coming with me?"

Left work at 3:36pm
Got to the local grocery store at 4:05pm (I know that because I got a phone call as I'm trying to walk across the parking lot)
Went through the store as quickly as possible trying desperately to avoid this woman and her 5 kids.  They acted like they owned the whole store.  It was really annoying and I just wanted to run into her once just so I could say "There are other shoppers here...or didn't you notice?"  She and her kids are all over the place, shouting from isle to isle...while eating things off the shelf.  ugh...
Got to the self check out - which of course kept screaming at me to put my groceries in the bags...
Arrived in my driveway (or rather we are living in a tiny condo at the moment) at 5:07pm

Finally finished putting away the groceries around 5:30ish
Pulled all the meat off of a smoked chicken (from Sunday night), so I boiled the bones and skin to make a mesquite stock...might use it in a chili or something..who knows.
Started dinner - Spiral pasta, ground turkey in marinara (a very doctored jar of store sauce..if only I had all day at and garlic bread..mmmm
Baby and Daddy arrived home around 6:15ish
She's finally in her chair eating around 6:18pm
Daddy is eating his food shortly after
I finish with her then proceed to hide around the corner to eat...if I don' lil eater will want to eat my food too!  ha ha
7:08pm she is off and running around the house, taking all the tupperware out of my cabinet and climbing in playing peek-a-boo.  Makes me giggle every time.
7:15pm I am removing all the bones and skin from the pot before I remove the delicious smelling stock and put in the freezer.
7:30...kid still running all over the place having a grand time..did I tell you that the hubby has changed into his comfy pants and has been lounging on the sofa since he ate?  I didn't think so
7:45ish I've cleaned the kitchen and am finally asking the hubby to put the baby's nighttime diaper's a poopy of course it's like asking him to hand me his left kidney. ha ha
FINALLY at around 8:03 I get her bottle ready and lay her on the sofa with daddy so I can continue my 'after work chores'.
I have to clean up all the tupperware.
Clean up the baby's room.
Pack her bags for the next day.
Pack her lunch.
Fold her laundry (which doesn't get put away because she's squirming all over the place and daddy has given up)
Sit with the baby while she finishes her bottle (my feet are thankful...they're tired!)
She's asleep and in bed by 8:45pm
I head upstairs to put away laundry..and catch one of my DVR'd shows "Brother's and Sister's" - not understanding the story line this season..but kind of glad to see Holly's home wrecking character go away.  How can they like her now?  Eww. So weird.
And this is when I look at the clock...9:44pm!!! 
I go downstairs, chat with the hubby and say.."Sheesh with all that I'm finally able to sit down and relax...UGH!  I give up, I'm going to bed! So, you coming with me?"

So...It was my turn to drive the baby this morning...but I'll leave that whole story..for later.  Now my fingers are tired. 

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